We want to say a HUGE thank you to Lori Price for showing Basel, and for all of the support she gives to Basel (and us), not just in the ring - ever since she sent him home with us last year - but especially now, while helping Basel to achieve success! Lori, we can't thank you enough.
Here are some really nice photos of Basel and Lori with the judges, and some action shots in the ring during the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Kristin and Bowie

Kristin and Bowie

Basel's buddy, Bowie!
Basel is Bowie's biggest fan!

Basel's half sister, Oola, and Basel.

Oola and Basel. They definitely have the same beautiful mama, Frida

Basel waiting patiently, relaxing at ringside, and thinking, "I do get a big marrow bone for this hard work, right?!"