Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Basel!!!

Basel celebrates his first Birthday with lots of good friends, his brother Angus and his sister Lola.

Happy Birthday!

Basel says a big "Thank You" to Lori for the really fun ball that "baaah's" like a sheep that Lori got him for his birthday.

Steffen says "Thank You" to Basel for the present he gave to Steffen while playing with his new ball!

Basel and his brother Angus
Basel and Angus

Thursday, March 12, 2009

York, PA

More fun in York:

Basel, Fred and Shea being silly.

Fred, Basel & Shea posing for pictures after the show.

Basel earned his second Major today! GO BASEL! What a good boy! (Friday, 3/13/09)

Basel earned Best of Winners and his first Major in York, PA today! (Thursday, 3/12/09!) Good job Basel!!! He got to see his brother Angus and his sister Lola. Lola also earned a Major and finished her Championship today! Way to go Lola!!!

Basel is in the middle, #11.

Basel's brother Angus

Food coma after Basel's celebration dinner!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Basel, the socialite

Basel had all of his friends from the Charleston Lofts over for his first "fiesta." Steffen made home made tacos, and margaritas for his 2-legged friends, while his four-legged friends played in the other room. The video is a little dark...but still fun to share.

Basel, Beluga, Gia, Dylan, Cooper
Troy and Pru had a great time!